Tuesday, 12 July 2011

You and Real Estate Photography

I spend many hours looking at homes on the various real estate web sites and I am surprised constantly by the lack of quality of the photos on the web.  I see properties that look nice, but the photos are not capturing the features of the room, over exposing areas that don't attract buyers, overuse of the wide angle lens, too much ceiling exposed the list goes on.  Today, the first impression a buyer will have of your property is through the Internet, so you must get it right.

Do you pay for the advertising?  If YES, then sellers need to take a keen interest in what you are paying for and become actively involved in the photos of their home with the photographer and agent. 

If you paid for a family portrait with a professional photographer, would you just let the photographer or someone else select the photos for you?  NO!  You are personally invested in the selection of those photos. 

So my question is.... Why are sellers not involved in their real estate photography? 

Sellers are either unaware they can be involved, or are too scared as they may offend the agent or the photographer.  They are working for you.  You must be involved to ensure you are satisfied with each step of your sales campaign.
NOW it is different if you are not paying for photography or advertising, then you are most likely going to get a "happy snap" of your home, that will be OK

Here is a great analogy for sellers to consider - Selling the Car..........

We prepare the car for sale by washing, vacuuming, polishing, servicing and putting a nice smelly in the car.  We take a few pictures and  select the best ones to put on the net.  We pay a fee for the Internet advertising and possibly advertise in the newspaper.  Lets say for a  4-6 week sales campaign you have invested $350 in your car presale makeover, photos and advertising.  Your car is worth $20,000 you listed it for that and you get $19,500 (everyone wants a bargain!!).   Now lets look at the figures.................... 

WHAT'S your investment in selling your car  1.8% of the sales value of the car.

It is generally recommended that sellers consider a minimum budget of 1% to invest in your presale makeover (e.g. car cleaning, polishing, servicing) plus advertising and photography (of course not everyone has the money or needs to invest that much).  For example - 1% of $400,000 = $4,000 you want to ensure you invest it in the right areas for your presale makeover, photography and advertising. 

Get this... we seem more comfortable investing large sums in selling our car which is a depreciating asset - reduces value as soon as you drive out the car yard.
Investing in our biggest asset which is an appreciating asset - increases value over time, our home - to maximise the sales price.  Plus we can in some cases, add value through our presale makeovers.


Property Presentation and your real estate photograhy are key to getting buyers through the door and getting them to fall in love with your property.  It all starts with the First Impresssion.   Remember, in this market buyers have lots of properties to choose from and they will prioritise which properties they want to see first based on the presentation and the photos on the internet. 

Investing in your presale makeover will benefit your promotion (advertising/photography) and will benefit your sale price.  You generally can't increase the value of a car but you can a property!

DON'T risk it! - get involved from the start or get Spruce Ups to be involved for you. 

Written by
Sandy Anderson
Spruce Ups by Sandy

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