Monday, 20 June 2011

5 Tips to Give your Bathroom an Instant Facelift

Bathrooms are an area that can easily date and become tired.  However there are things that you can do to your bathroom and give it an instant Facelift.

1. Update tapware. 

New stylish tapware can instantly give your bathroom a modern vibe.  There is a large range of tapware on the market from the cheapest end at Bunnings through to stylish new squarish modern styles.  Just remember to ensure what you buy will fit your existing sink and plumbing. 

TIP:  Take photos of the current tapware and under the vanity to take to your plumbing store so they can help you.

2. Re-grout / Clean Grout

Updating tiles in a bathroom can be costly.  A cost effective way to give your bathroom a fresh look is by professionally cleaning the grout or re-grouting.  This option can give you bathroom a fresh new look.

TIP:  Do not use harsh cleaners or bleaches in your showers/bath areas as they breakdown the silicones and do damage to the grout. 

3.  Paint

Updating the colour of the walls in your bathroom will give it a fresh new look.  Be colour confident and go for colours with slight hues that will highlight the features of your bathroom. 

TIP: Never paint dark colours in a small bathroom - light and bright colours always gives a fresh and clean look.

4.  Accessory Update

Changing the colour of your towels and your matching accessories is another way to change the look of your bathroom.  It also provides a way to bring in colour rather than through your tiles and painting. 

TIP: To keep your towels absorbent don't use fabric softener.  Dry under cover and they will always stay soft.  On darker towels use wool wash which is generally bleach free and it will maintain it's colour.

5, Create a new Environment

Bathrooms are a place of peach and time out, why not use the simple nic nacs and can impress your guest when they use your bathroom.  Add in pamper style items such as lotions, bath gels, soaps and coordinated flannels.  Add a bath holder to hold these items and fresh flowers or a plant.

TIP:  Minimise mould by ensuring you have air flow and light in the bathroom.  After showering leave doors open to allow bathrooms to fully dry and air, when possible.

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