Monday, 28 March 2011

Spruce Up Recipe for March

Spruce Up your insides with this home created Tortilla stack.....bit like a fritatta but without the potato.

Pumpkin (cut about 0.5cm thick and steam)
Chilli (red) (finely chopped
Red Capsicum (Thinly sliced and fry in pan with garlic and oil, on high to char grill a little)
Pesto Paste
Spinach (baby)
Ricotta (not tub but the more set one)
Finely grated strong Parmesan cheese
Eggs 3-4
Chives (finely chopped)
Tortilla wraps (whatever size suits your fry pan)

Need a reasonably deep fry pan.  Line with baking paper.  Spray with light oil

Lay first tortilla on bottom
Place steamed pumpkin and drizzled finely chopped chilli
Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese
S& P to taste

Lay second tortilla
** spread pesto paste on top of the second tortilla layer (be generous)
Place ricotta and spinach
S&P to taste

Lay third tortilla
Place char grilled capsicum and sprinkle a little chilli on
Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese.
S&P to taste

Lay final tortilla on top
Mix egg and chives together (say about 3-4 eggs) and mix in Parmesan cheese. Pour gently over mix to allow it to flow to other layers, but not making it like a quiche.

Cook on low heat with lid to assist cooking process - will probably take between 30-45 mins.  Once most of it has cooked through put under low grill to cook top through a little more. 

Let it sit over night and serve cold or warmed.

Good luck and let me know how you go

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Those moments that bring a smile to your dial!

I'm sitting here this morning working on a borrowed laptop - mine had to have the hard drive replaced, then the software ghosted back on to it, so you don't have to download all your software again.  Like who has all the discs these days!!

I look out the window and my dog Jade is sitting against the fence in the garden soaking up the sun, surrounded by little plants with some purple flowers, her ears up and just looking as cute as a button.  She is  Staffordshire bullterrier, the best dogs ever!  It brings a huge smile to my face, unconditional love!

It's a beautiful picture - that moment you need to run and grab the camera.  Problem is that everytime I bring out the camera, she starts carrying on, she just doesn't like the paparazzi.... 

So it has to be a memory for me.

Can never spruce up her, she doesn't need it!


Welcome to my blog.  I have been contemplating putting up a blog and what should I say?  I hope to share with you my experiences, expertise and tips on the area of presale property styling.  There is so much misconception out there and many property owners are the ones that are losing out because they are not given the right guidance and suggestions to improve their opporunity during the sales campaign.

I will look to shae with you styling tips, new products on the market and my favourites. 

Feel free to visit my website to view my gallery of before and after photos of my presale makeovers, which includes colour consulting, placement of hire furniture and management of many services, along with clients who have chosen to DIY their own spruce up based on my recommendations. Stay posted and join my blog journey